My Two Grandmothers
Native Orchids of Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia Book of Everything
Piau's Potato Present
Planter Links
Port-Royal Habitation The Story of the French and Mi'kmaq at Port-Royal (1604-1613)
Postcards from Acadie
Pumpkin People
She Dreams of Sable Island a Paper Doll Book
Sid the Kid and the Dryer
Six Mi'kmaq Stories
Skunks for Breakfast 2nd edition
Sods, Soil and Spades, The Acadians at Grand Pré and Their Dykeland Legacy
Something of a Peasant Paradise? Comparing Rural Societies in Acadie and the Loudunais, 1604-1755
Tangled in the Bay
The Acadian Diaspora an Eighteenth-Century History
The Acadians of Nova Scotia Past and Present
The Deportation of the Acadians
The Dominion Atlantic Railway
The Fall of New France, How the French lost a North American empire 1754-1763