A Great and Noble Scheme The Tragic Story of the Expulsion of the French Acadians from Their American Homeland
Cibou a Novel
Daniel Paul Mi’kmaw Elder
Doug Knockwood, Mi’kmaw Elder, Stories, Memories, Reflections
Georges Island The Keep of Halifax Harbour
Glooscap Legends
Grand Pré Landscape for the World
Grand-Pré Heart of Acadie
Jeanne Dugas Raconte-moi ton histoire Tell me your story
L'Nu'k The People
Medicine Walk (New Edition), Reconnecting to Mother Earth
Mi'kmaq Medicines (2nd Edition) Remedies and Recollections
Mi'kmaw Waisisk Animals
Minegoo Mniku the Mi’Kmaq Creation Story of Prince Edward Island
Nine Micmac Legends
Niniskamijinaqik Ancestral Images
Our Grandmothers' Words Traditional Stories for Nurturing
Port-Royal Habitation The Story of the French and Mi'kmaq at Port-Royal (1604-1613)
Promises to Keep
Red Earth, Tales of the Mi'Kmaq