L’Acadie hier et aujourd’hui
My Two Grandmothers
Piau Journey to the Promised Land
Piau's Potato Present
Port-Royal Habitation The Story of the French and Mi'kmaq at Port-Royal (1604-1613)
Promises to Keep
Something of a Peasant Paradise? Comparing Rural Societies in Acadie and the Loudunais, 1604-1755
The Acadian Diaspora an Eighteenth-Century History
The Acadians of Nova Scotia Past and Present
The Acadians of Summerside
The History of the Acadians of New Brunswick
The Lookout Tree - A Family’s Escape from the Acadian Deportation
The Magic Rug Of Grand-Pre
We Were Not the Savages (4th Edition)
Whispers of the Past / Murmures du Passé (Bilingual Edition Bilingue)
Winds of L'Acadie